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This site is dedicated to Bunney Brooke and Vic Rooney.

Episodes 201 - 250

E Street Episode 201

Episode 201

Sheridan invites Lisa and Michael on a boat trip. They also ask Alice to join them. Harley is also there but after his night of passion with Sheridan he is confused as to whether he is there as PA or lover. Sheridan has also invited Fiona - Michael’s ex fiance in hope of coming between Lisa and Michael. Her plan begins to work when Fiona tells Lisa of she and Michael’s past, after Michael has told Lisa he and Fiona were just friends. The day results in Michael sleeping on the sofa! CJ continues his plea to get on the right side of George so he can take Nikki out on a date. However George would prefer Nikki went out with Max and he sets the two up on a date - only to be fooled when CJ joins Max and Nikki at their destination. Bishop Hardcourt arrives at Elly’s surgery and catches her in the middle of a water fight with Martha, Claire and Toni. Elly fails to make a good impression and becomes even more distressed when Bob invites the Bishop to join them for lunch. Bishop Hardcourt clearly doesn’t approve of Bob’s relationship with a divorcee and feels that as Elly has no ties to the church she won’t make a very good ‘vicars wife’. Bob doesn’t agree but Bishop Hardcourt makes it clear that Elly won’t be accepted. After Elly tells Bob she will change to fit into the role as ‘vicars wife’ he tells he is going to leave the church.

E Street Episode 202

Episode 202

Nikki and CJ attempt to make Max look bad so that George will begin to favour CJ over Max. They only succeed in getting Max sent to his room by Auntie Vi! Word spreads that Bob is leaving the church. David, Harley and Jack Waterford try to convince him that he is doing the wrong thing but he is determined to go through with his decision. Elly tells Martha she fears that Bob will end up resenting her for giving up something that he loves. Sheridan gives Lisa a job as a reporter for the new 5.30 report show. Michael tells her that he will be her boss! Harley and Sheridan have dinner at the rectory, it is cut short when Harley has to join Bob at the church ‘ but none the less they share a kiss. Elly tells Bob she thinks he is doing the wrong thing and says they should cool things between them until people get used to them being a couple. Westside gathers to listen to Bobs final sermon and David takes Elly and Claire to hear what Bob has to say. Bob announces her is leaving the church to marry the woman he loves. Despite the initial apprehensions his friends support him and he hands Jimmy’s legacy onto Jack. Elly smiles as Bob delivers his reasons for leaving behind the church and moving onto a life with her.

E Street Episode 203

Episode 203

Elly’s friend Virginia Travis comes to stay in Westside. She went to medical school with Elly and David and she and her husband Rod have remained good friends with them. Virginia tells David that Rod has run off with their Son Danny and she doesn’t know where they are. David confides in her that he is finding it hard to deal with Elly being with Bob. Bob begins his search for a new job and quickly gets some work with Gus Molloy working as a mechanic. Alice helps CJ make a video to impress George. They gather statements from Westside folk stating CJ’s good points! Lisa, Michael begin work on their current affairs programme for WTV8. Gus’ wife Wilma visits Elly and tells her she is pregnant and would like a termination. Bob later witnesses Gus hit Wilma and breaks up their fight. Bob takes Gus to hospital after he injures his foot whilst working. When Bob returns to the work yard he hears calling from the cellar. When he investigates he finds a boy tied up to the wall by a metal chain ‘ he has the appearance and disposition of a dog. Wilma tells Bob the boy is Gus’ Son Dylan.

E Street Episode 204

Episode 204

Bob calls Elly to the scene but Dylan won’t allow anyone near him. Bob eventually coaxes Dylan to come to him and they take him back to Elly’s house. Despite the police being called and involved, it’s clear that Bob is already attached to Dylan and he refuses to let anyone else see him or examine him. Elly manages to have a quiet moment with Bob but they are interrupted when Lisa, Michael and Harley arrive with cameras to film Dylan for their show. Bob is furious and chucks them out of the rectory. Elly tries to give Dylan a bath but he gets aggravated and bites her ‘ she is devastated when Bob tends to Dylan instead of her and takes himself and Dylan to the rectory. David tells Elly that Bob doesn’t care for her otherwise he wouldn’t be acting like this ‘ Elly tells David it is none of his business. Sheridan provides Harley with a place to stay after Bob kicks him out for taking a photo of Dylan. Meanwhile Nikki finishes with CJ.

E Street Episode 205

Episode 205

George tells Bob that Gus is being released from hospital, however Bob may still keep Dylan. Elly visits Bob and tries to talk to him. During their conversation Dylan appears behind Bob and almost attacks him with a pair of scissors. Elly shouts at Bob to get out the way but Bob tells her to leave. Elly decides the best thing to do is to call social services but Virginia tells her to wait as she is not thinking of Dylan and only about how this is affecting she and Bob. David tells Virginia he is thinking of leaving Westside. Sheridan wants Gus to give her an interview ‘ he tells he will on the condition that she finds Dylan for him. Sheridan says she will and conducts an interview with Gus and Wilma, during which Sheridan reveals that Wilma is pregnant. Gus is furious and kicks Wilma to the ground. She is taken to the surgery where Elly and Virginia tell her she has lost the baby. David tells Elly and Claire that he is leaving Westside to take over Virginia’s practice in Melbourne. Toni and Nikki fall out after Nikki feels that Toni is making a play for CJ. Gus arrives at the rectory and tells Bob that he will get Dylan back one way or the other.

E Street Episode 206

Episode 206

David tells Claire he is leaving Westside. Vi is pleased when she receives a letter from Ernie ‘ he is staying with his cousin Mary in England and Rachel is well. Toni and Nikki continue to be at loggerheads over CJ. Determined to make a point Toni later goes out with Max and they share a kiss. Dylan begins to adjust to the open world when Bob and Virginia take him to the beach for the day. However back in Westside Elly tells Martha she senses she is losing Bob and doesn’t know what to do about it. Martha assures her that this is just Bob’s way of adjusting to life after the church. Sheridan helps Gus to present himself well enough for the courts. He pleads not guilty to charges of neglect and is found innocent. Gus goes to the rectory with Harley and Sheridan in tow and demands to take Dylan home. Bob won’t allow him to and chucks Harley and Sheridan out of the rectory ‘ throwing Harley’s camera to the ground. George later visits Bob and tells him he has to hand Dylan over as Gus has been found innocent of neglect. Elly visits Bob and he tells her it is unfair that Dylan had to leave and despite his promises Gus returns to his old ways and once more locks Dylan in the cellar.

E Street Episode 207

Episode 207

Toni and Max appear to have feelings for each other but keep them to themselves. Lisa and Michael resign from WTV8 when Sheridan takes over their show. Bob apologises to Elly for neglecting her. They resolve to concentrate on making plans for their impending wedding. Martha gathers everyone at Patchetts and before long plans for Elly and Bob’s big day are taking shape. Bob visits Gus and asks to see Dylan, when Gus won’t allow him to Bob begins to pick a fight with him. Max arrives and intervenes leading George to provide Bob with a restraining order, which means he can’t go near Gus. David tells Virginia he will accept her offer and work in her Melbourne practice whilst she takes an extended break in Westside. Harley tries to make amends with Bob but Bob says he can’t forgive him for the way he exploited Dylan and is not impressed by his recent behaviour. Bob returns to Gus’ house and finds Dylan in the cellar. He takes Dylan back to the rectory and is soon followed by Gus,. Gus is furious and wants Dylan back. A fight ensues and Gus pushes Bob to the floor and reaches for a near by axe. As Bob fights back Gus drops the axe and battles to hold Bob to the ground. Dylan approaches them both and picks up the axe ‘ he hits Gus with it. Gus falls to the floor and it is soon clear the Dylan has killed him. George and Max soon arrive and Bob tells George that he killed Gus ‘ George doesn’t believe him but arrests him and tells Max that Bob could be charged with murder. Meanwhile Elly and Bob’s pre-wedding party is in full swing with bride ecstatic and friends and family sharing the enjoyment.

E Street Episode 208

Episode 208

Michael proposes to Lisa. Harley and Sheridan learn of Bob’s arrest and head to Elly’s house. Harley breaks the news to Elly and she and Virginia head to the police station. When they arrive Dylan is in Bobs arms, as Bob remains silent. Virginia takes Dylan home whilst Elly pleads with Bob to tell her what happened. As Bob is taken to the cell, George leaves he and Elly alone for a while. She quickly realises that Bob is covering for Dylan and asks him why. Bob remains silent as Elly tells him she loves him and asks him to tell the truth. George tells her she has to leave and she returns home. Elly tells David that Bob did not kill Gus and they both tell Claire what has happened. Virginia takes Dylan to see Bob. She tells him they all know he is covering for Dylan and asks him to tell the truth for Ellys sake. He tells her that Elly will survive without him but Dylan won’t. He says he doesn’t know why is he doing this but he knows he has to. Virginia is ashamed and takes Dylan back to the rectory. She finds Elly alone in the church crying, she tells her she must go and speak to Bob. Elly visits Bob and asks him what is going to happen to them. He tells her he will go to jail and tells her that it all makes sense ‘ the reason he was saved from Sonny was to help Dylan. Elly tells him the reason he was saved from Sonny was so they could both share some happiness. Sheridan airs the tape she has of Bob chucking she and Harley out of the rectory. She seems determined to blacken Bob’s reputation and vows to do a story on ‘The real Bob Brown’. Max tells Harley he should be ashamed of himself for standing by and letting Sheridan ruin his father. Harley visits Bob and tells him that he has to tell the truth as Sheridan is out to ruin him ‘ Bob tells Harley he doesn’t want to know him anymore. Elly and David wait outside the police station and watch as Bob is taken away to remand ‘ Bob simply looks at Elly and says nothing.

E Street Episode 209

Episode 209

Elly visits Bob in remand and tells him this isn’t how she pictured her wedding day. She talks about lawyers, the case and how everyone knows he is innocent. But Bob remains silent and fails to even look at her. She tells him she still loves him and asks him to ay least say he still loves her ‘ but he fails to and she walks out the cell in tears. Elly and David go to see George and Martha where George explains that Bob doesn’t hurry up and tell the truth then he will go to jail for a very long time. Toni is upset to hear people talking in a bad way about Bob. She explains to Nikki, Zac and CJ that Bob is a good man who has always been there for everyone and now they should be there for him. They quickly get together and organise a campaign to prove Bob’s innocence. With Sheridan pressing ahead with her plans for the report on Bob, Vi tells Harley she is disgusted at him for the way he is not sticking up for Bob. Lisa turns down Michael’s proposal. David visits Bob and tells him he is hurting Elly. He tells him he is failing her and letting her down. Bob tells David he loves Elly and doesn’t want to hurt her ‘ David tells him if that were true then he would just tell the truth. Virginia tells Elly she should forget about Bob and leave with David. She tells her to think of herself for once and join David in Melbourne. Elly tells her she can’t do that but as David says his goodbye to Elly and Claire, Elly tells him to wait ‘ she and Claire are joining him. As everyone gathers in the pub for Bob’s benefit night ‘ Toni arrives and announces that Elly has left Westside. As Elly, Claire and David drive out of Westside David takes a detour and takes them to the remand centre ‘ he tells Elly she has to say goodbye to Bob. Elly and Claire go into the Bobs cell and Elly tells him that they are going to Melbourne for a while. Bob is shocked and finally talks to her asking her how long he’ll be gone for. She says she doesn’t know and will just see how things go. Claire tells Bob she will miss home and loves him ‘ she promises to write. Bob tells her he loves her too and holds back the tears and Claire walks out of the cell. Elly tell shim that she has thought about this situation a lot and has realised that it doesn’t matter if Bob loves her or not - what matters is whether he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. She tells him she doesn’t think he does but says if she is wrong then she’ll stay. She asks him if he wants to marry her and he says he loves her. As she realises that isn’t a yes she cries and asks Bob what they should do now. Bob kisses her on the cheek before saying goodbye and walking out of the cell. Elly slumps down to the chair and says ‘Goodbye Bob’.

E Street Episode 210

Episode 210

Westside picks up the pieces after Elly’s sudden departure. Virginia moves into Elly’s flat and takes over the surgery ‘ infuriating Toni who is adamant that Elly and Claire will be back in a few weeks. Alice arrives at the WTV8 studios and tells Sheridan that she has ruined the lives of Elly, Bob, Claire, Lisa and Michael. But Sheridan shows no remorse and is still running footage of Bob on her show. She later goes to Lisa and offers her a job at WTV8 working as a reporter. Martha and Max rally around Toni and she begins to face the loss of another family. Max promises her he will always be there for her. Meanwhile Martha is dealing with her own sadness and confides in George that she will really miss Elly. Michael visits a friend who works for a rival station, he offers to air Bob’s side of the story. Michael visits Bob in jail and tells him his story doesn’t have to go through WTV8. Bob agrees and Michael goes to Sheridan and offers to sell Bob’s story to her but she refuses it and tells him she has her own reporter in Lisa ‘ who has accepted her offer of a job. Michael is shocked.

E Street Episode 211

Episode 211

Harley visits Bob and tells him he can’t believe that he let Elly go. He asks him why, after he fought so long for her, did he let her leave. Bob tells Harley he didn’t want things to turn out like this and says that he’s still in love with Elly. Sheridan presses ahead with her false report on Bob whilst Michael hires a crew that will tell the truth. Sick of her interference in Bob’s case, George warns Sheridan that she is not to air any more evidence that could tarnish Bob’s character. Harley begins to have his doubts over Sheridan and when he sides with George she tells him that he should watch his step or she will fire him. Failing to find a buyer for her story, Sheridan edits the Bob coverage she already has and goes to air with a false story on Bob. Lisa and Harley stand by amazed and upset that their names are involved with ruining Bob. Dylan is staying with Virginia at the surgery and begins to make good progress as he interacts with Zac and some of Zac’s friends. However they run into trouble when Zac is injured after trying to stop Dylan from chasing a dog. Meanwhile Nikki goes on a date with Max, leaving Toni with CJ.

E Street Episode 212

Episode 212

Zac escapes with just a minor head injury thanks to Dylan’s alert for help. Toni and Nikki argue over who should date Max and who should date CJ ‘ meanwhile Max and CJ argue which of the girls is right for them! Sheridan tells Harley that if he really cares for Bob then he should stop working for her, he hesitates before deciding to stay at WTV8. However Lisa can’t hide her feelings and tells Sheridan that not only has she contributed to Elly’s departure but she is also damning Bob’s court case by airing misleading footage of him. Alice is disheartened when she finds that a creative writing course she is taking is being taught by Adam, a man who is often propping up the bar in Patchetts. Virginia finds out she has a secret admirer ‘ local flasher Willie! After Sheridan airs more or the Bob Brown story, George arrives at WTV8 and arrests her for contempt of court.

E Street Episode 213

Episode 213

Sheridan sets up her office from inside the police station. Managing to fill it with flowers, notebooks and her mobile phone! Toni and Nikki decide that it’s Max they are interested in ‘ not CJ, and they radically change their images in order to win him over. Toni takes on Nikki’s rock and roll persona whilst Nikki adopts Toni’s good girl image! This causes great confusion to the locals, not to mention Max! Max books a date with both of them, but when he gets his wires crossed and double books he is left without Toni or Nikki who decide to stick together! Michael visits Bob and tries to encourage him to fight in order to release himself from jail. However Bob is withdrawn and says that after losing Elly, the church and Harley he can’t see the point in fighting. Michael reminds him that everything he’s lost has been his own choice. Alice has her first creative writing class, but it is a disaster as teacher Adam arrives drunk and is insulting to his pupils. Michael and Virginia take Dylan to the Zoo and are alarmed when he compares one of the wild bears to Bob. They later take Dylan to visit Bob and are equally amazed when he cowers from Bob and doesn’t want to see him. Lisa tries to talk some sense into Harley and tells him that Bob needs him. Harley tells her Bob has lost him and Elly all because of Dylan and finds it hard to see how Bob can care for him. Michael and Virginia watch the 5.30 report from Elly’s house and are surprised when they see Lisa hosting the show in Sheridan’s absence.

E Street Episode 214

Episode 214

Michael takes Dylan with him to see Lisa. However when they begin to argue Dylan reaches for a fork and stabs Lisa’s hand. Lisa is shocked and hurt when Michael stands by Dylan whilst Virginia gives her a tetanus jab. Toni and Nikki pay a visit to Max and CJ at the police station to give them a lecture on the rules on dating! Sheridan watched the commotion from her cell and gives the guys some tips on how to treat woman of the 90’s! Alice has another disastrous class with Adam; she refuses to stand by and be treated badly by him and ends up giving him a piece of her mind. She later tells Auntie Vi how humiliated she felt when Adam seemed to be insulting her in front of the class. Martha has concerns for Bob and asks George how he is doing, George tells her Bob is not good and is likely to have to face a court case. Sheridan gets bail and prepares to leave the station, George tells her if she says one more word in contempt of court he’ll lock her up and throw away the key. Lisa, Harley, Michael, Virginia and Sheridan rally round and get Dylan to take part in a reconstruction of what happened between Bob and Gus. Their plan works and as Harley and Michael play Bob and us, Dylan picks up the axe in order to recreate the scene. Michael says he knew Dylan was guilty as he watched him attack Lisa and he knew that he went for Elly, in order to protect himself and Bob. However George is sure that it won’t be enough to prove Bob’s innocence.

E Street Episode 215

Episode 215

George and Michael visit Bob’s lawyer Howard; and show him the video footage of the reconstruction, however Howard says its won’t work. Virginia visit Bob and tells him how many people he has let down. She asks him what he has achieved from driving everyone away, Bob remains silent. As she leaves him Bob looks out of his cell and starts to cry. Toni and Nikki go to us house and try to find some evidence. They find pictures drawn by Dylan and one shows Bob and Gus fighting as Dylan holds the axe. They take the pictures to Virginia who shows Howard. Alice writes a story that highly embarrasses Adam. However it makes them see each other in a new light and it is clear that Alice likes Adam ‘ a lot. The Westside Homeboys start training for the new basketball season. Bob’s case is called and Dylan testifies as everyone gathers to hear. With the helps of diagram and actions; Dylan tells the truth and Bob is found innocent. As everyone celebrates Harley stands by feeling left out of his father’s life. Meanwhile Martha is sure that Bob’s release will signal Ely’s return. Sheridan also gets tried for her contempt of court allegation. She is sentenced to community service under the supervision of Bob!

E Street Episode 216

Episode 216

Bob is released from prison and his friends celebrate his innocence. Sheridan is keen to talk her way out of community service and offers to make a donation to the church. However Bob already has her punishment in mind and makes her the new coach of the Westside Homeboys basketball team! Sheridan is not happy but tried top make the best of the situation by filming training practice. George bans her from doing so and says she must do things by the book. Bob and Virginia argue over the custody of Dylan. Bob wants Dylan to stay with him but Virginia feels Dylan should move on and go to a new home and environment. Toni and Nikki agree to dates with two guys; Matt and Brad. Max and CJ hear the guys talking about Toni and Nikki in a negative light and they tell the girls they should stay away from them. However Toni and Nikki don’t appreciate their interference. The issue of Dylan is resolved and everyone decides it is best if he leaves. Bob finds it hard to break the news to him and ends up lashing out at Dylan and telling him he ruined his life. Bob later tells Virginia that his life is empty now that he’s left the church and Elly and Claire have gone. He tells her he also feels he has lost Harley. Zac is determined to be part of the Homeboys squad so Sheridan gives him a job as assistant coach ‘ if only to do her running around for her. Alice learns Adam is a successfully published writer and when Alice falls into his arms they share a kiss.

E Street Episode 217

Episode 217

Harley tells Bob he has to get on with his life. Bob tells him he has no life now he has lost the church and Elly, so Harley calls Jack. Jack tells Bob that the parishioners miss him. He also tells him that the bishop is visiting later today and maybe it’s not too late for Bob to regain his parish. Jack catches Bob looking at a photo of Elly and Claire and asks Bob if he has spoken to her. Bob says he wouldn’t know what to say to her. He later picks up the phone and dials Elly’s new number, but he hangs up before anyone cam answer. Sheridan takes The Homeboys, Toni and Nikki on a trip to the forest. She leaves them stranded in order to force team bonding. Toni and Nikki take charge and organise the Homeboys; including Max and CJ, into groups so that they can make adequate sleeping arrangements. Michael tells Harley he is in charge of WTV8 now and warns him to play by the rules or lose his job. Bob packs a bag, takes his photo of Elly and Claire and heads off on his bike. He speeds down country roads until he reaches his and Elly’s holiday destination. He settles the bike and takes a moment to remember he and Elly before heading back to Westside. He sees the bishop and tells him he wants his job back. The bishop says he has to win back the respect of his parishioners. Bob gathers his friends and parishioners in the church and explains to them what has been happening to him recently and why he has made the decisions he has made. He asks them if they will allow him to be their minister again. Vi stands up and applauds Bob, one by one everyone else joins in.

E Street Episode 218

Episode 218

Lisa gets worried when Alice doesn’t return from her date with Adam. George happens to visit the flat and finds Lisa frantic. As they wonder where Alice is, Alice arrives home and explains that she is not a child anymore. Alice later visits Virginia for contraception and she prepares to sleep with Adam for the first time. Toni and Nikki can’t decide on which direction will lead the Homeboys back to Westside. They decide to split up ‘ Nikki heading off with the Homeboys, Max and Zac ‘ whilst CJ stays with Toni. Nikki and the gang find their way back to Sheridan but she insists that they must return to the forest and get Toni and CJ. They eventually find them and Bob helps Virginia move her stuff into Elly’s house. She asks him if he still loves Elly. Bob says he does but has no right to interrupt she and Claire’s life again. He says he screwed up his chance to be with Elly and has to live with that. Lisa and Michael start work together on the 5:30 show. However they remain strictly friends and nothing more. Harley is out researching when he finds a woman on top of a building ‘ she is about to jump. Instead of coaxing her down Harley films her. George and Virginia are called to the scene and try to talk the woman out of jumping, but they fail to get through to her and she jumps. Lisa and Michael tells Harley he was wrong to film someone jumping to their death. Vi receives a letter from Ernie. He tells her he is not coming back to Westside and wants to sell the pub. Alice tells Martha she wants to sleep with Adam. However when she and Adam are alone together Alice backs out and runs home.

E Street Episode 219

Episode 219

Lisa is jealous when Michael starts interviewing sexy women to be his secretary. He notices her envy and they decide to give their relationship another go. Bob tells Harley he is disappointed in him for not attempting to help the women who jumped off the building. Harley says he was just doing his job, and is surprised to turn up at WTV8 only to be sacked by Michael. He asks Sheridan for help but she tells him she doesn’t care ‘ Michael is in charge if hiring and firing. Vi confides in Alice and tells her she can’t bare the thought of Patchetts Pacific being sold, as it holds so many memories. Bob talks to her and tells her he feels the same ‘ Patchetts holds memories of E Street ‘ not just the Patchetts. Vi tells him if the pub is sold then she will leave Westside. Johnny Little returns and tries to cheer Vi up, however when he proposes to her she says no. Harley turns to drink and begins to hassle Toni in the pub. When CJ witnesses what is going on he punches Harley, causing Toni to question his feelings for her. Adam tells Alice he wants to be with her and make love to her. Lisa later finds a picture amongst Adam’s belongings. The picture shows Adam with a lady and two children, however when Alice and Adam return to the flat Lisa hides the picture.

E Street Episode 220

Episode 220

Lisa talks to Toni about Alice and Adam. Toni thinks it’s best not to say anything as it may turn Alice against them. Lisa later tells Adam either he tells Alice about his hidden family or she will. Harley is struggling to deal with losing his job and asks Lisa for help. She does her best but Michael refuses to take Harley back on the payroll. Meanwhile Fiona starts work as Michael’s new secretary, she also does her own bit of digging as far as Alice and Adam are concerned. Sheridan notices Fiona is attracted to Harley and tells him she can have him, as she doesn’t want him. Fiona and her friend Tracey set out to seduce Harley on a night full of sex and drugs. Toni is confused about her feelings for Harley, Max and CJ and admits she feels lonely since Elly’s departure. She later tells CJ that she would like them to just be friends as she is not ready for another relationship right now. Johnny once again asks Vi to marry him and this time she says yes! His offer includes leaving Westside to join him on a cruise and despite being sad about leaving she tells Max that Patchetts will be left in the family. The residents of E Street once again gather to wave farewell to another loved one and wish Auntie Vi love and luck as she departs for her new life.

E Street Episode 221

Episode 221

Lisa tells Alice that Adam has a wife and children. Alice doesn’t believe her and tells her to mind her own business. Alice confides in Martha and says she can’t believe Adam would hide something like that from her. The pub is quiet after Vi’s departure. Fiona has Harley hooked on drugs and is openly feeding him cocaine. He asks Sheridan to join them but she refuses and tells Harley to watch his back. Nikki hits financial crisis when Martha and George asks he to pay part of a huge phone bill. Her luck comes in when she, Toni, Max and CJ take in a bunch of tourists at the pub in order to boost business. Nikki is left with a man’s briefcase that contains wads of cash. Alice asks Adam if the rumours are true. She asks him if he is married and to her horror he admits that he is.

E Street Episode 222

Episode 222

Adam tells Alice he has separated from his wife and says his marriage is over. Alice allows him to stay the night at the flat. Martha invites Toni and Virginia to Zac’s birthday party. Virginia turns down the invite and takes refuge at the surgery, taking out a photo of her son and placing it on the desk. Sheridan gives Harley a job working directly for her. He manes to score her a top deal but she is concerned the drugs are taking over his life. The pub tourists get rowdy and CJ loses a lot of money by throwing them all out. Meanwhile Nikki is spending like a millionaire and lends out money to Toni and Zac as well as paying George and Martha for the phone bill. Alice and Adam enjoy a dance together in the pub until Adam’s wife arrives.

E Street Episode 223

Episode 223

Max and CJ pick up a new tour group; a bunch of Japanese businessmen and a loud lady called Mary. Whilst they are touring around Westside a snake makes its way into Mary’s bag. She late confesses that she is a relative of Ernie’s. Alice refuses to talk to Adam. Nikki tells Toni about the money in the briefcase. Bob lends Harley some money; Harley also gets money from Sheridan and uses it to buy drugs from Fiona. Sheridan witnesses Harley using more drugs and tells him to stop taking them. He ignores her and Sheridan goes to Bob and tells him that Harley has started taking drugs. Bob is devastated but goes to Harley and tells him he will always be here for him.

E Street Episode 224

Episode 224

Bob tells Virginia that Harley has started to use drugs. Toni and Nikki spend the day spending the money! They indulge in expensive clothes and beauty treatments! Meanwhile Zac steals the briefcase containing the rest pf the money. Adam’s wife Sonja tells Alice she should finish her relationship with Adam. Mary starts to annoy Max and CJ and eventually introduces herself as Mary Patchett; Ernie’s cousin and new manager of Patchetts Pacific! The snake in Mary’s bag is killed before it can do any harm. Bob finds cocaine in Harley’s room and flushes it away. Harley joins Sheridan on a business lunch a blows a really big deal for her. She is angry with him and he tries to turn her anger into lust by coming on heavy with her.

E Street Episode 225

Episode 225

It’s the day of The Homeboys first basketball match. Sheridan is reluctantly there as coach still serving her community service. The Homeboys score a win but Sheridan insists they train even more. Toni and Nikki are furious when Zac tells them he has spent all the money. They face more trouble when the briefcase owner Norman arrives looking for his cash. Alice cools down her relationship with Adam but tells Lisa she is in love with him. Virginia tries to talk to Harley about quitting drugs, but he tells her she is not part of his life and tells her to leave him alone. Bob becomes the target for Harley’s anger when Harley becomes convinced that there is something going on with Bob and Sheridan.

E Street Episode 226

Episode 226

In an attempt to get Harley on the straight and narrow Sheridan gives him his cameraman job back. But before long Harley and Michael are fighting and Harley tells him to stick the job. Sheridan later sacks Fiona, leaving Harley and Fiona seek solace in each other and cocaine. Alice and Adam attempt to commit to each other but it seems Adam isn’t as keen as Alice is. Toni, Nikki and Zac try to recover some of the money. They make a phone call and decide to give all the money they have back to Norman. After they have handed back the money they witness a fast car push Norman from the passenger seat.

E Street Episode 227

Episode 227

Norman appears to be fine but the hunt is on for the missing money. Toni gets a job as a junior on the 5:30 report, working alongside Lisa and Michael. Adam wants to sell the play he has been writing. Max befriends Laurel; a girl from the streets. She later sees Virginia at the surgery and confesses she has s drug problem. George warns Max to be careful of Laurel and not to trust her. Sheridan makes a shock announcement; she has brought the pub and plans to demolish it. She leaves the residents in shock, as they can’t believe Ernie has decided to sell. Max finds Laurel about to inject herself, he tries to intervene but Laurel stabs him with the needle. Virginia is called to the scene and reveals that Laurel is HIV positive.

E Street Episode 228

Episode 228

Max undergoes various tests to see if he has contracted the HIV virus. He is afraid and takes time off work. Alice and Adam get ready to perform their play. Hover Adam changes the ending without telling Alice. Lisa tells Sheridan she is wrong to sell the pub as it holds so much E Street history. Nikki and Zac are fearful that the missing money will land them in danger. They then encounter the Fisher brothers who hold them for a while claiming to know about the missing money. Toni takes $200 from the 5:30 report and gives it to Harley. She later tells Michael what she’s done. Whilst out on the streets Bob and George find Laurel dead. Virginia continues to perform tests on Max whilst he prays to God and tells him he does not want to die.

E Street Episode 229

Episode 229

Mary tells Alice that Adam plans to take his play to New York. Alice is devastated, as Adam hasn’t told her. Max begins to take control of his life, not allowing himself to be taken for granted or bossed around. He asks George if he should resign from the police force, George says no as there is no proof that he even has AIDS yet. The Homeboys win a match; Sheridan celebrates, making it clear that she does enjoy coaching the team. Virginia tells Bob she has had a phone call from Elly. She and David are going to work in Bangladesh whilst Claire is to stay with Elly’s parents. Virginia tells Bob it’s time to face the facts; Elly isn’t coming home. Nikki finds out about Max’s health scare and she tells him she will be there for him if he needs her. Lisa, Toni and Michael go on strike when Sheridan won’t allow them to do a story on Patchetts Pacific. She plans to turn Patchetts Pacific into a business complex and shopping centre. Alice provides Adam with an ultimatum ‘ her or New York.

E Street Episode 30

Episode 230

Nikki spends time with Max. They talk about life and death and she tells him he should follow his dreams as you never know what’s around the corner. Virginia tells George they have to find the syringe that Laurel stabbed Max with fast ‘ in order to help tests. Martha joins in the search and she and George do a door to door search in Westside. One man won’t allow them to check his garden and as they leave we see the needle is buried in his garden. Adam asks Alice to join him in New York and she says yes. They hold a special party which is ruined when Sonia, Adam’s wife arrives. Lisa, Michael and Toni find Debbie, a woman who claims Sheridan has blackmailed the local Mayor to gain ownership of the pub’s land. Debbie, the mayors secretary tells her story live on air until Sheridan and the Mayor appear throwing her off the scent. Lisa tackles Debbie on air when she begins to change her story but they fail and Sheridan takes over by interviewing the Mayor. Lisa is impressed by Michael’s integrity and asks him to marry her.

E Street Episode 231

Episode 231

Lisa and Michael arrive at the party and announce their engagement. Max leaves the party early and tells George he feels alone. George tells him that although he doesn’t blood relatives here, he and Martha are his family in Westside. Mary tells Sheridan that if she knocks down the pub then she will be even more unpopular than she already is. Virginia receives a letter from Claire. She asks her to send ‘all her love to Reverend Bob’. Virginia passes on Claire’s wishes and Bob tells her that he has been praying for Elly’s safety in Bangladesh. Alice leaves Adam after she sees him with Sonja and the children. Michael presents Lisa with a ring to make their engagement official. Max and Nikki visit Max’s Dad. It's not a happy reunion as it is clear Max’s Dad is still the thug he used to be.

E Street Episode 232

Episode 232

With the wedding 3 weeks; Lisa and Alice make a start on the wedding plans, until Adam arrives and announces he is leaving his wife for Alice. Alice spends time with Oscar and Charlotte; Adam’s children but Oscar doesn’t take too kindly to his father having a girlfriend. Alice realises she can never fully be a part of Adam’s life and tells him she won’t be joining him in New York. Max spends more time with his father. Nikki and CJ do their best to help save Patchetts from being knocked down. But it’s Mary who comes to the rescue when she stops the auction under instruction from Ernie!!

E Street Episode 233

Episode 233

Toni’s day at work doesn’t go according to plan when she happens to wear the same outfit as Sheridan. The needle ends up in a bin, Martha misses it as she strolls past. Harley tries to quit his cocaine habit but fails miserably when Fiona again seduces him. They make their way to Harley’s room at the rectory where they indulge in the drug. Bob walks in and finds them taking the drug and can only watch as Harley walks out in a daze. Max continues to be failed by his father and has to break up a fight between his Dad and another man. Nikki tells Toni about Max’s problem and swears her to secrecy. They decide to keep looking for the needle but have no luck. Lisa and Michael both book honeymoons but they fail to inform each other and only tell Alice. Harley and Fiona drive to pick up Fiona’s friend Nadia ‘ they continue to take cocaine until Harley passes out. He has a mini seizure and collapses, leading Fiona to believe he is dead.

E Street Episode 234

Episode 234

Harley is rushed to hospital as Fiona is arrested. Bob and Sheridan are informed of the news and Sheridan tells Bob it’s his fault for being such a terrible Dad. Max tells his father he may have HIV. Toni and Nikki continue their search for the needle. They eventually find it and the tests on the needle begin. Lisa and Michael discover each other has booked a honeymoon. They struggle to decide whether they should take Michael’s camping trip or Lisa’s exotic hideaway. Harley’s chances of survival look slim as he lies in a coma and Bob must start thinking about Harley’s future and whether he has one. As Bob returns to the hospital he finds Sheridan at Harley’s side.

E Street Episode 235

Episode 235

Alice starts work on Lisa’s wedding dress. However when her creations are a little too wacky for Lisa; she presents Lisa with the dress she really wanted from the bridal shop. Jack tells Bob not to give up hope for Harley. Bob breaks the news to Toni who visits Harley and talks to him, as he lies asleep. Max anxiously awaits his test results, he should know in 24 hours whether or not he has HIV. Claire gets off a bus in the country. She has run away from her grandparents and is on her way back to Westside! Whilst queuing for the next bus a man approaches her on a bike - none other than Wheels! Virginia tells Bob there is little chance of Harley recovering and advises him too turn off Harley’s life support machine. Bob decides the decision should lie in God’s hand and says his goodbyes to Harley. As he switches off the machine - the monitor buzzes and Virginia announces that Harley is breathing for himself.

E Street Episode 236

Episode 236

Claire explains to Wheels what happened with Elly and Bob. She tells him she misses them both and as she can’t be with Elly in Bangladesh wants to be back in Westside with her friends. She asks him what happened with Jo-Jo and the band but he tells he is not with the band anymore. After a lot of persuasion Wheels says he’ll take her back to Westside. Max’s tests come back clear ‘ he hasn’t got HIV, the blood in the needle blood was animal blood. He thanks Nikki for her support and they go out officially for the first time. Toni informs Lisa, Alice and Michael of Harley’s condition ‘ she also announces that Harley needs treatment in America that will cost $100,000. Lisa and Michael quickly get to work at WTV8 and organise a telethon in honour of Harley. The residents of E Street join in; Toni and her band Kon-X-ion sing, George reads a poem, Mary & CJ duet as Alice, Martha and Virginia take to the phones. Lisa and Michael donate their honeymoon money to the course and everyone watched as Bob makes a plea to the viewers. Virginia visits Sheridan who is at home, away from the telethon. She tells her that Harley is probably the only friend she has and asks her too help him. At the end of the telethon Sheridan arrives and makes up the rest of the money. With no time to waste Sheridan announces that she will take Harley to New York for the treatment and she and Virginia will accompany him. Bob thanks Sheridan for what she has done and she says it’s because Harley is her only friend. Bob and Toni say their farewells as Harley is taken in an ambulance and flown to New York - to recover.

E Street Episode 237

Episode 237

Toni and Alice set to work on turning Lisa into a beautiful bride. Disaster strikes when the highlights they use on her hair turn it purple, and the bleach they use to remove the purple leave Lisa with a blotchy red rash! Lisa is distraught and tells Toni and Alice that the wedding is off! Claire arrives at the rectory and surprises Bob and Martha. They are thrilled to see her and she tells them that her grandparents said she could come to Westside for a holiday. However Bob and Martha are not convinced that they would let her travel alone and they call Elly’s parents. They reveal that Claire ran away and they have been frantic with worry, however they agree that Claire can stay with Bob for two weeks. Bob tells Martha he is happy to have Claire home but wishes Elly were her e too. Max manages to lose the wedding cake and he Nikki, Zac and CJ set about making a new one ‘ with disastrous results. As Lisa’s hair and face begin to heal she feels happier about the wedding. She then answers the door to find Wheels on the doorstep. They talk and he is surprised to hear she is getting married. She tells him he really hurt her when he left and says they can’t go back to where they were. Michael later finds out that Wheels is back in town and is keen to know why his arrival has had such an effect on Lisa.

E Street Episode 238

Episode 238

It’s the day of Lisa and Michael’s wedding. Lisa leaves the flat early and goes to find Wheels. They return to the site of their squat but all that remains is the bath tub. They discuss old times and Lisa tells Wheels what happened to Sonny. Lisa tells Wheels that she has always been in love with him and they share a kiss. Claire asks Bob if he still loves Elly. He tells he does and she says it’s almost like it was before she and Elly left Westside. Alice takes a pregnancy test and has a smile on her face as she reads the result. Max and Nikki go to the wedding together, whilst CJ and Mary struggle to remove the local rugby team from the pub in time for the reception. As everyone gathers at the church, Alice arrives ad tells George that Lisa is missing. She figures she’s with Wheels but doesn’t tell Michael. After waiting for a long time Michael stand at the altar and tells everyone that Lisa is not coming to the wedding, at which point Wheels enters the church on his motorbike with Lisa on the bike dressed in her wedding own. She meets Michael at the altar and tells him she’s sorry, she just needed to talk. Michele takes her hand and the two are married whilst Wheels watches from a distance. Back at the reception Alice reveals to Toni that she’s pregnant whilst Claire tells Wheels he should stay in E Street. After the wedding speeches Lisa and Michael share their first dance as man and wife. Lisa catches Wheels eyes and says ‘Thank You’.

E Street Episode 239

Episode 239

New policewoman Ruth arrives in Westside and makes a bad impression when she gives Toni a ticket and manages to smash Wheels bike light. Ruth later arrests Wheels but faces opposition from all of Westside and George,, when he tells her to quit being nasty for no reason. Wheel’s friend Joey Valentine shows up in Westside. He is an old school friend and uses his guitar as a form of communication as he stopped speaking when he was 15. Claire begins her plan to stay in Westside on a permanent basis and asks Bob to phone Elly to see is she can stay. Alice tells Martha she is pregnant, Martha fears for Georges reaction!

E Street Episode 240

Episode 240

Toni tries to do a story on Joey for the 5.30 report. Lisa and Michael return from their short weekend break and are overjoyed when Alice tells them she’s pregnant. Claire runs away and leaves Bob a note saying that she feels no-one wants her. Bob finds her and he promises he will try and sort something out for her. Toni and Joey begin to bond. Alice tells George she is pregnant.

E Street Episode 241

Episode 241

George suggests to Alice that she should have an abortion. Claire and Zac start cleaning dogs to get some money. Toni gets Joey a job at the pub and tries to change his appearance. Lisa tells Michael she wants a baby.

E Street Episode 242

Episode 242

Lisa and Michael start trying for a baby. Max, Nikki and Zac start looking for the dogs that Claire and Zac lost. Elly’s Dad calls Bob and tells him that they are coming to collect Claire. Claire is upset and tells Martha that it’s not her fault that Elly and Bob didn’t get married and yet she is paying by having to leave her home. Martha calls Elly in Bangladesh and asks if Claire can stay in Westside. Elly says Claire can’t stay as she no longer trusts Bob to put Claire first above any new ‘obsession’ that may arise. Claire runs off whilst Bob tells Martha he hoped that having Claire home would bring Elly back. Wheels finds Claire and tells her that no matter what her friends in Westside will always be here for her. Toni’s story on Joey airs. He hates it as it makes him looks like he is hard done by and needs sympathy. Wheels explains to Toni that Joey likes leading his life the way he does and doesn’t need her hand outs. Claire tells Bob she will miss him. He tells her he is sorry for hurting she and Elly and says he still loves Elly and wishes things would have turned out different.

E Street Episode 243

Episode 243

Virginia returns home from New York. Toni and Joey are having trouble getting on. Alice receives a letter from Adam. Michael takes Lisa and Wheels out to dinner, but Lisa tells Wheels to go. Elly’s Dad arrives to collect Claire, Virginia says Claire can stay with her ‘ that way she is still in Westside but not staying with Bob. Max and Nikki share a kiss

E Street Episode 244

Episode 244

Joey begins to give Toni guitar lessons and she is in awe of his talent. Claire moves back into her old house. Max and Nikki officially become an item much to the surprise of George, who thinks Nikki must be on drugs! Lisa and Wheels finally talk and she admits she is still in love with him. They decide the only way around the situation is to stop seeing each other. Joey smashes Toni guitar but later apologises.

E Street Episode 245

Episode 245

Sheridan arrives back in Westside and takes an immediate liking to Wheels. However keen to not let him know who she is she tells him her name is Debbie. She tells Wheels she works for a woman called Sheridan Sturgess and could get him a job. Wheels is keen until he finds out who she really is. Toni’s band Kon-X-Ion does a gig at the pub. Claire meets Queenie, and old lady who is unwell. Queenie tells Claire that he daughter Rosie died a long time ago. Lisa tells Alice she is still in love with Wheels.

E Street Episode 246

Episode 246

Queenie is taken to hospital. Claire finds out that Rosie isn’t really dead; she and Queenie had a row that has stopped them from talking. Claire asks Virginia to help her find Rosie but Virginia refuses. Claire tells her they should reunite them as they know what it’s like to be separated from those they love. They track down Rosie and she and Queenie are reunited. Toni and CJ take their demo tape to Joey. He gives it a revamp and turns their song into a pop track. Alice tells Wheels he has to tell Lisa it is over between them before she ruins her marriage. Wheels does so causing Lisa to turn to the bottle. When Michael returns home and finds Lisa upset over losing Wheels he walks out on her.

E Street Episode 247

Episode 247

Lisa sees Wheels and Sheridan together at the pub, she drunkenly lashes out at Sheridan and Michael has to take her home. Michael asks Bob for advice on Lisa, Bob tells her not to do what he did to Elly ‘ if he loves Lisa then he has to fight for her. CJ takes control of Kon-X-Ion and together with Joey they start working on a music video, during which Toni and Joey share a kiss. George celebrates his 55th birthday at the pub, he tells Martha he is starting to feel old. Lisa tells Michael that she still loves Wheels. He asks her to choose between them. Claire wants to introduce Virginia to her karate teacher. Lisa goes to Wheels place and tells him to make love to her

E Street Episode 248

Episode 248

Wheels tells Lisa to leave, he tells her he’s not in love with her anymore. Lisa is upset but tells Michael she loves him and wants to make their marriage work. Virginia meets Claire’s karate teacher Steven Richardson. She invites him around for dinner and they appear to hit it off straight away. CJ tries to get the band a recording contract. Lisa apologises to Wheels for her behaviour and thanks him for not taking advantage of her. She tells him she was in love with what they were but really wants to make her marriage work. She asks him if he meant it when he said he didn’t love her. He tells her he’ll always love her ‘ just not in the way he used to. Lisa and Michael arrive home and tell Alice the fighting is over. They witness a very special moment when Alice’s baby kicks for the first time.

E Street Episode 249

Episode 249

After camping outside the record company’s office, CJ finally gets in dressed as a cleaner. He plays the bands songs to the record producers and the producers say they would like to meet the band. Martha is upset when George seems to be spending so much time playing bowls. She wonders if he is having an affair. Virginia and Steven have dinner together and end the evening with a kiss.

E Street Episode 250

Episode 250

Martha is certain that George is having an affair. She gets dressed up and heads to the bowling field where she is keen to outdo the ladies vying for George’s attention. She later tells George that she is hurt that he has found his second wind in life and hasn’t found it with her. When Nikki explains to George that Martha feels unwanted, George tells Martha he loves her very much and was scared of losing her as he got older. They return home after Martha says she can’t kiss him in the pub! Zac sells jewellery on behalf of a local jewellery stall older. Max buys a ring from him and gives it to Nikki as a friendship ring. Mary also buys a bracelet from Zac and Max is horrified when Mary breaks out in a rash. Desperate for Nikki not to know he brought her a cheap ring, Max asks her for the ring back. Nikki is devastated and thinks Max is having second thoughts about their relationship. When Mary tells Max the rash was caused by herbs that Alice left on a tea towel, he buys Nikki a new one. Meanwhile Nikki has lost the original ring and unable to give it back to Max she turns down his offer of a new ring! She later buys a ring from Zac to replace the missing ring and allows Max to present her with the new ring! The band meets with the record company only to be told that they want to sign Toni but not Joey. Virginia is envious when Steven seems to be paying attention to Sheridan, however when Steven comes round for dinner she lets him stay the night. She is later woken by a phone call and is joined by Claire and Toni who want to know what the fuss is about. Virginia says Elly is on the phone ‘ she’s coming home.