E Street - Mr Bad's Revenge DVD

Only a few months after the first E Street DVD release, the second volume is now in the shops and making it's way into the homes of many E Street fans. This volume, titled 'Mr Bad's Revenge', picks up where Volume one left off and takes us through another 20 chronological episodes.
These episodes continue with the Mr Bad storyline and see Westside's serial killer kidnap Toni, take refuge in Wheels and Sheridan's loft and in the ultimate cliffhanger he comes face to face with Sheridan for one final showdown. In a treat for UK fans the cuts that Sky One made do not appear on these DVDs and instead the full uncut versions are there in their full glory. There's an extra 30 seconds to the dream sequence that Sheridan has whilst in jail, there's an added thrill as Sheridan hollers 'screw you' before shooting Mr Bad and there are several more shots of Lisa in the freezer then the Sky One version ever showed. There are also the extra seconds worth of reaction shots as the E Street logo appear over the screen before the advert break commences.

As well as Mr Bad there are of course several other storylines ticking over. Alice gives birth to a baby daughter and tries to make peace with Lisa, Mary departs Westside as Ernie returns to the fold, Toni, CJ, Nikki and Max embark on more relationships traumas and Jamie, Penny and Charlie join the show. There's also some great music content as the Liquidators play more gigs and Dr Rock takes to the airwaves.
Stand out episodes are 276 which sees the birth of Alice's baby, the return of Ernie and the most delicious cliffhanger as Steven skips out of prison in disguise as a vicar. Episodes 284 and 285 take place over one evening and will make your heart beat a little fast as Steven breaks free from his hide out and terrorises Wheels and Sheridan, the whole thing is played out on Dr Rock's radio show and involves a tense stake out as George, Max and Bob do their best to track down Steven. Episode 290 sees Alice and Lisa depart and Sheridan opens a whole new storyline as she guns down Mr Bad!

The final episode on this volume is 292 which is ultimately the end of Sheridan V Mr Bad and the beginning of Wheels and Sheridan on the run as Wheels breaks her out of jail. It's actually a perfect ending to this set as the characters seem to have come full circle since volume one and this really is the start of a new era for E Street.
Episodes aside and the highlight is again the audio commentary. Forrest Redlich takes to the mic this time and his obvious love for E Street is apparent when sometimes he seems mesmorised by the footage on screen that he pauses to take heed! He speaks of E Street's beginning and it's end. It's amazing to hear that on it's last airing E Street still pulled in millions of viewers, ratings never dropped yet the network politics seemed to hit the nail in the coffin. He discusses the cast; his love and admiration for Kate Raision, Alyssa-Jane Cook and Toni Pearen. He chats about the chemistry between Kate and Marcus and the hard working attitudes of all on set. He also talks about the E Street plan and how stories were always well thought out and devised 6 months before they even appeared in a script format.

Perhaps the only dissapointment in the commentary is that because of the episode chosen not all avenues are explored. Obviously because of the era, characters like the Patchetts, Paul, Harley and Sonny are not discussed and because Elly and Bob fail to appear in this episode their relationship and the recasting of Elly don't raise a mention. But with Forrest willing to take a trip down memory lane perhaps a commentary on earlier episodes could happen in the future.
If you take a look in the inlay cover you'll see that Umbrella Entertainment are asking which E Street DVDs you'd like to see next. So please email them your ideas at info@umbrellaent.com.au Obvious suggestions are the continuation of the current episodes which see Wheels and Sheridan on the run and will ultimately finish their story and see them exit the show, the Sonny Bennett era which is loved by so many fans or.....dare we say it, the whole damn show on release.
Whatever the future, the fact is there are now 40 episodes of E Street for you to buy and enjoy, so if you haven't already bought them go and get them now and soak up some of the most amazing drama ever to be seen on Australian tv