Episode 382
Written By:
David Allen
Directed By:
Mark Piper
Faith – The Dukes
Gun In My Hand – The Dukes
In My Youth – Kelley Abbey
Basketball Court
The youngsters are playing basketball. It’s a gorgeous day and after Bob’s successful surgery everyone is sure he will be fine.
The Church
Elly arrives at the church and instantly sees Bob in Jacks arms. She races down the aisle, telling Jack he could have seriously hurt Bob by taking him from the hospital. As she edges closer she realises that Bob couldn’t have survived a night out of intensive care and it hits her that Bob is dead. She calls his name and is met by a tearful stare from Jack. Elly screams and grabs on to one of the pews for dear life.
Pennys Flat
Penny and Bronco are in bed when Charlie comes in and tells them to wake up. Di is here and she walks into the bedroom and sees Penny and Bronco together.
The Rectory
Jack picks up a photo of Elly and Bob from Bob’s desk. He then takes one of Bob’s books, opens it and reads the inscription inside. It says ‘To Bob, Happy Christmas, All my Love, Elly’. Elly comes in and tells Jack they have taken Bob to the morgue. She tells him to stop touching Bob’s things and berates him as he calls himself Bob’s brother. She asks him why he took Bob from the hospital. He says he just did what Bob asked and tells Elly that Bob knew he was dying. Elly tells him that’s not true and that Bob was about to make a full recovery. Jack tells Elly Bob wanted to make peace with Jimmy, she looks at him and slaps him. She tells him she hates him as he has killed Bob, the man she loves and has therefore ruined her life. Elly says that ever since Jack arrived in Westside things have turned bad, she says she warned Bob about Jack but he wouldn’t listen to her. However she knows Bob would have made it back to the top without Jack’s interference. Elly is crying and starts hitting Jack, shouting that she hates him. Jack restrains her and she tells him he has killed his own brother and that she hopes Jack rots in hell.
Patchetts Pacific
The mood is high and people are positive that Bob will be ok. Everyone is dancing when Martha and George arrive. George tells Ernie to turn the music off as he has some bad news. He tells everyone that Bob has died. Everyone is shocked and an outpouring of grief follows.
Silence befalls everyone and questions start being asked. Ernie wants to know how Bob got caught up in the mess in the first place. George tells him that it was some scam to do with Jack. Martha says she thinks Bob was just trying to protect his brother, Ernie says he would have done better to look after himself. Jo-Jo asks how Bob came to be in the church and George says that was Jack too, he took Bob there. George says he doesn’t understand why as he thought Bob was getting better. Elly arrives and says he was getting better. Martha encourages Elly to sit down but she says she wants to tell everyone what happened. She tells them Bob would have been ok, that’s what John Halliday said. However Jack took him from the hospital and away from the people who could care for him and that’s why Bob is dead. She says Bob is dead because Jack killed him. She breaks down in tears and Martha and Sally comfort her as everyone silently sobs.
Pennys Flat
Penny and Bronco join Di in the sitting room. Di asks Bronco to leave so she and Penny can talk things through.
Patchetts Pacific
Nikki asks Max and Sam how they are supposed to handle this. She feels she should say something to Elly but Max thinks they should leave alone. Nikki says nobody expects people like Bob to die; it’s usually strangers. Max tells her that Bob is with God now and no matter how sad he is about it he knows Bob is in a better place. Nikki asks how he can be certain as in her opinion there is no God. If there were then a person like Bob wouldn’t have died. She makes her way over to Elly and tells her how sorry she is. Elly hugs her and they both cry.
The Rectory
Jack and Laura are clearing Bob’s things away. She tells Jack if he goes after Tommy he will end up dead like Bob. He tells Laura to walk away from him because otherwise she will get hurt too.
Pennys Flat
Bronco and Charlie go to the shop leaving Penny and Di alone. Di explains to Penny that just because she and Bronco have a child together doesn’t give her them the right to have an affair. Di doesn’t believe Penny loves Bronco and thinks she is just deluded by the memories she has of him. Di says Bronco is a violent child and is an accident waiting to happen. Penny asks why she cares as she and Bronco are getting a divorce. Di says it’s the first she has heard of it and Penny realises Bronco has lied to her.
Patchetts Pacific
Ernie says he has had enough of E Street, all the good people seem to die or move on. Martha tells him he’s just feeling down because of Bob and tells him it’s not E Street, it’s a good place. Sally agrees and tells Ernie to look at all the people supporting and comforting each other – you don’t get that in a normal street. Martha sees George is on his own, she moves towards him but he walks away and leaves the pub.
Pennys Flat
Bronco and Charlie arrive and Di thanks him for telling her they were getting a divorce. Bronco realises his cover has been blown.
Bonnie sees George sitting on a bench. She asks him if the gang are at the pub, as she wants some advice on jobs. He realises she hasn’t heard the news and tells her that Bob has died. Bonnie hugs George and tells him how sorry she is.
The Rectory
Elly arrives with Ernie and Sally. They are surprised to see Bob’s belongings packed up in boxes and Elly doesn’t understand what is happening. Ernie and Sally leave her alone and Laura comes into Bob’s study. Elly asks her what she is doing. Laura says she’s helping Jack and then apologises, realising they are treading on Ellys territory. Laura tells Elly that Jack is hurting and didn’t mean to get Bob involved in his problem. Jack arrives and gives Elly Bob’s ordination photo.
Martha and Georges House
George is sitting alone. Martha comes in and asks if she can sit with him. He says of course she can and takes her hand. Martha says they should remember all the good times they had with Bob and George agrees. They talk about all the years Bob chased Elly and all the times they almost gave up on each other. Martha says Elly must wish, so much, that she hadn’t have lost the baby because then she would have someone to remember Bob by. Martha cries and George says he doesn’t know what’s wrong with him, he can’t cry – not even for Bob. Martha says she knows how he really feels and so does Bob. Max, Nikki and Max arrive and Nikki says they should all be together. Max tells they have to stick together as that’s what families are for.
Pennys Flat
Penny asks Bronco why he lied about the divorce. Bronco says he didn’t and says Di lied about him not telling her. He is angry that Penny believed everything Di said and Penny tells him she’s not sure of anything anymore.
Patchetts Pacific
Joey is leaving the pub in a rage. Jo-Jo asks him what he is doing. He says he is going to give Jack back the snooker cue he gave him and then he’s going to beat him to death with it. Jo-Jo tells him not to be stupid and says that he’d just be lowering himself to Jack’s level. Joey says he doesn’t care and says someone has to pay for Bob’s death. Jamie tells Joey he will come off the worse but Joey screams that a lot of good people have been hurt because of what Jack did. He smashes up the bar and Jo-Jo and Jamie have to restrain him.
Pennys Flat
Penny tells Bronco she has to know the truth; did he take Charlie to get the money from Di’s father or did he do it to bring them back together. Bronco says she has to admit the money will come in handy and Penny realises she and Charlie have been used for his games.
The Rectory
Elly is sitting looking at Bob’s picture. She is crying when Ernie comes in to see she is ok. He goes into the kitchen and finds Jack there. He tells him to do them all a favour and get out of Westside. Jack says he won’t do that as he can’t miss Bob’s funeral. Ernie tells him they don’t want him there and tells him to leave the people of E Street to bury their own. As Jack leaves he looks around and says that Bob doesn’t have much to show for a whole lifetimes work. Ernie pins Jack up against the wall and tells Jack that in every way that matters Bob was a rich man. Jack tells Ernie that the people of Westside scare him; the way they care so much about each other scares him. Jack gets his bag and leaves.
Musical Montage
The Pub
Ernie says he still expects to see Bob walk through the door, just passing the time of day.
Jack walking out of Westside.
Martha and Georges House
Nikki tells Sam she will never be able to understand what has happened, ever.
The Church
Max is angrily scrubbing graffiti from the church walls.
Bonnie meditates.
Pennys Flat
Penny and Bronco are in the bedroom and she says she doesn’t agree with him using her to get money from Di’s father. She tells him to get out and leave her alone. She says she doesn’t love him and he says she does….he’ll prove it to her.
George sees Jack leaving and tells him it’s just like him to cause so much pain and then leave. Jack says it’s what the people of Westside want, George says that’s an excuse and that Jack is running away from a commitment. Jack doesn’t understand and George says he has a commitment to Bob. With Bob gone who are the people of Westside going to turn to. Jack says he’s no Bob Brown and George agrees. However maybe Jack can set a few things straight so that someone can try and pick up the pieces. George tells Jack he owes Bob and that Bob would never have taken the easy way out.
Pennys Flat
Charlie hears noises from Penny’s room. Bronco comes out and Charlie rushes in to find Penny on the floor crying – Bronco has raped her.
The Church
A dozen bikers drive into the church grounds as the congregation sing hymns.
Bishop Hardcourt has returned to take Bob’s funeral service and the street kids and bikers arrive and place themselves at the back of the church. After the hymn, Bishop Hardcourt calls George to say a few words. George says he feels he shouldn’t be the one speaking about Bob and says this is very hard for him. Jack bursts through the doors and makes his way to the altar. He tells the kids at the back to come and sit near the front as that’s what Bob would want. As Bob’s friends look on Jack makes his speech.
Jack: Everyone was the same to Bob; rich or poor, old or young. In his world there were no barriers, no walls between people. You, all of you are proof of that. There’s no flowers on the coffin because he doesn’t need them, flowers are a kind of memorial, you’re his memorial, all of you. So what can I say about Bob Brown my brother. You probably knew him better than me, anyway right from the start we had it tough as kids. We grew up hard, we had to. I guess the difference with Bob was that he didn’t stay hard, he had too much compassion. OK he got into a few scrapes but he learned from them. He cared for people, loved everyone. I guess he was just kind, kind man and a stubborn man. He never turned his back on no one – not even me. I know you all hate me because Bob’s dead and I understand that I do, because I know how much you loved him. But I just got to say one thing, I loved him too. He was my big brother and I loved him.
With the congregation in tears and Elly sobbing, the men of E Street stand up and place themselves next to Bob’s coffin. As they lift him up into the air, Jo-Jo takes her place at the side of the altar and starts singing. Elly and Martha follow the coffin outside and when only Jo-Jo is left in the church she finished her song and says ‘God bless you Rev’.
Church Grounds
Elly is standing alone at Bob’s grave holding a single red rose.
Jack is standing on a bridge holding his gun in his hand
Church Grounds
Elly crouches near Bob’s grave and says ‘I’ll never forget you, ever’.
Jack throws the gun from his hands.
As the gun makes it’s way through the air, Elly’s rose is slowly placed on the earth. As the gun lands on the sea bed Jack looks out into the air; having left his dangerous life behind him. Elly picks herself up and walks out of the church yard, looking to the sky as she leaves.
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