Despite their initial conflict when Max`s girlfriend Nikki arrived back on the scene, Bonnie was green with envy. When Nikki came back to Westside for good and found Bonnie in her job at the surgery and with her man - war was declared. Bonnie and Nikki became the last in a line of great double acts and the scams that followed were pretty funny. In the end, with Nikki pretty upset about Bob`s death, Bonnie seemed to win the fight for Max. Tragedy though, was lurking around the corner and on an urgent call, Max knocked Bonnie over in the police car. She was seriously injured and was unable to get around without using a wheelchair. She started physio, with the help of Elly and Martha and George - whom she lived with. There was even a truce between she and Nikki and Bonnie became more subdued. She was overwhelmed by the love the residents of E Street showed her, it was the love she had never had from her father.
In the E STREET finale, Bonnie suffered a relapse and ended up in a coma. As she lay on her deathbed Max proposed to her, and in the company of the entire street, Bonnie woke up and said `Max`. Unfortunately, the credits then rolled and we`ll never know whether Bonnie and Max lived happily ever after. A cool hippy chick with some bright ideas and a sensitive side aswell.