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This site is dedicated to Bunney Brooke and Vic Rooney.

Jo-Jo played by Kelley Abbey

Episodes 74 - 86 & 258 - 404

We first meet Jo-Jo when she knocks Wheels out in Patchetts Pacific. She has a score to settle with Wheels and believes he stole equipment from the band they both used to play in. When she stops throwing punches and listens to what Wheels has to say she realises she is wrong and is keen to have Wheels back in the band. Whilst in Westside she attracts the attention of Ernie. Their shared love of rock and roll music brings them together and Ernie is smitten. But for Jo-Jo it's just a friendship and leaves him feeling foolish. When the band are offered a tour, Jo-Jo packs up and takes Wheels with her.

Whilst on tour Jo-Jo met a guy, fell in love and got married.....it lasted two weeks and Jo-Jo returned to Westside. Whilst sitting in a pub one night she witnessed a band on stage with a lead singer not doing very well. Jo-Jo took to the stage and as ever set it alight with her singing and dancing skills. The band were 'The Liquidators', the lead singer was Toni Windsor and the mixer?.....Wheels! So Jo-Jo made her way back to E Street, taking over as the lead singer of 'The Liquidators' and taking up the spare floor place in Wheels and Joey Valentines squat. Jo-Jo`s hard attitude always remains but what also shone was her quick wit and her ability to play someone at their own game. Also incredibly talented, just waiting for that big break. For the first few months Jo-Jo was involved in scam after scam, whilst trying to support herself on the money she was getting from the bands gigs and the pool games she`d win at the pub. With Mary Patchett as the new landlady Jo-Jo convinced her to let 'The Liquidators' play at the pub. Mary agreed and when Alice went on maternity leave, Jo-Jo took over as barmaid at Patchetts Pacific.

Life was going well for Jo-Jo until her mother showed up wanting to reconcile their relationship. Annie walked out on Jo-Jo when she was a kid for a life of rock and roll. Jo - Jo has never forgiven her and was adamant to let her back into her life. However C.J reminded her that her mother is her only chance of a family and Jo-Jo decided to give Annie a chance. Jo-Jo left work early to spend some quality time with her mother and arrived home to a note saying 'Sorry'. Annie had walked out on her again, leaving Jo-Jo to realise that her friends in Westside were now her family. She made her peace with Lisa and became very protective of all her friends. Her best friend remains to be Wheels and when he got himself involved with Sheridan Sturgess, she didn`t approve. But when Wheels risked his future to break Sheridan out of jail she realised he really loved her and along with Joey, Jo-Jo helped Wheels and Sheridan to remain hidden from the police out to get them.

With Wheels gone, Jo-Jo got closer to Joey and at one point it looked like they may get together, she made him dinner and even ditched the leather jacket for a dress. However Joey arrived home late and Jo-Jo punched him, knocking him out! She rallied around for Ernie when he was feeling down, helped out with Toni and C.J`s wedding and was a tower of strength when Bob was killed. But when was Jo-Jo finally going to find happiness for herself? She decided to help out Jamie Newman with an opera play he was putting together. He desperately wanted her to play the leading lady and it wasn`t long before they ended up in a romantic clinch - for real! They got serious and Joey realised that he did in fact care more deeply for Jo-Jo then he had previously let on. He didn`t tell her and instead moved on to pastures new, leaving Jo-Jo a song which he wrote for her.

Soon after Jo-Jo and Jamie split up and he too left Westside. She was lonely and as well as working at the pub she began to work in a club, singing - what she always wanted to do. She never told anyone and at first everyone was convinced she was a hooker! So she invited them along to one of her performances and put on a show that proved them wrong. The owner of the club kept making advances toward her but Jo-Jo resisted, insuring that if she got to the top it would be because of her talent and nothing else. When Patchetts Pacific burned down in E Street`s finale. Jo-Jo set up her own cafe` at the squat she shared with Wheels and Joey. She told the sleazy nightclub owner where to stick his job and she decided to sing her songs, her way in her cafe`. E Street then ended and what Jo-Jo is up to now.....well who knows. But she`s probably singing, beating someone at pool and knocking them out when they don`t pay up!