Mary Patchett played by Joan Sydney
Episodes 223 - 276
Mary Patchett arrives in E Street to keep the Patchett spirit alive. With Ernie and Vi off to pastures new Mary comes to Westside to take over the pub. Cousin of Ernie, Mary has been helping out since the deaths of Chris, Megan and Abbey. She runs a pub in England and Ernie has been staying there so that he can see more of his grand-daughter, Rachel. So with Ernie looking after things in England, Mary takes care of business in Australia. Mary`s a great person to have around in times of gloom. With her bright nature and cheerful singing voice she soon perks everyone's spirits up. Whilst on E Street she takes a few of the residents under her wing. She lends a hand to new mother Alice and keeps an eye on Max and C.J. Never short of friends, Mary is a welcome addition to Westside and settles in wonderfully. She `s always involved in the community action and if you need some sound advice, Mary is the person to turn to. It`s obvious to see she`s a Patchett before she even opens her mouth!
So with all that in mind, Mary has plenty of people to help her when she is the victim of a cruel mugging. She is knocked to the ground and although not physically hurt, her mental state of mind cause worry among the E Street residents. She suffers slight memory problems and is dreadfully scared of setting foot outside the pub. Despite a party to revive her spirits, Mary is still down. Her chirpy character is more subdued and she appears to get quite homesick. She sees Alice through the birth of her daughter and then decides to go back to England. Trading places once again, Ernie comes back to Westside as Mary goes back to her `hot beer and cold pies`! It`s a shame we didn`t see more of Mary `cos she could`ve developed into quite a legend. Her comic timing was just what E Street needed after the departure of so many well loved characters. A true Patchett - Auntie Vi would`ve been proud.