Sam Bulmer played by Serge Lazareff
Episodes Unknown - 62
Sam Bulmer was E Street's first bad boy. He had most people conned, especially
his girlfriend Margaret Bennett. Sam lived with Marge and her daughter Lisa and
soon tried to rape Lisa. She fought him off and told Marge but Sam convinced
Marge that Lisa was lying in order to split them up. Marge allowed him back in
the house and Sam continued his obsession elsewhere.
He stalked local lawyer
Sarah McKillop and became obsessed with her when she turned down his offer of a
date. Not content with this Sam broke into Sarah's house and murdered her.
Later, it was revealed that he also raped her.
The police came looking for him
but Sam had an alibi in the shape of another woman he had been seeing behind
Marge's back. She covered for him in the hope he may one day fall in love with
her! The police had no evidence but George Sullivan knew he was guilty. On the
night of Chris and Lisa's engagement party, Sam followed Lisa to the park and
raped her; telling her `not a word little girl, remember Sarah McKillop.`
didn't remember anything about her attack and decided to go under hypnosis. With
Margaret by her side, Lisa revealed that it was Sam who attacked her. Taking
matters into her own hands, Marge poisoned Sam with a lethal cake. He died. His
actions leaving Margaret in jail, Chris` life broken and Lisa - trying to mend